
Disaster Relief


Again, a disaster has occured as the result of nature's forces, this time in Oklahoma. Again, Disrict 7620 is stepping up to provide support, two avenues of financial support and one for housing.

The district charity fund has added an account to take cash donations for supporting the needs identified by Rotarians in Oklahoma. We will forward the charitable funds periodically for the next three months. Please make check out to District 7620 Rotary Project Trust Fund, Inc. and send c/o Sherry Whitworth DES, 4064 Lomar Drive, Mount Airy, MD 21771. Please note the check is for Oklahoma Relief.

A second way to help is to provide financial support to Disaster Aid USA through their website http://www.disasteraidusa.com/ DA USA is a project of the RC of Bladensburg, right here in our district. They have deployed a Disaster Aid Relief Team to Moore, Oklahoma, to determine what parts of the disaster relief system is needed and then will be tapping into their resources to provide relief. Their operations are world wide and are in constant need of replacement equipment.

A third way to provide assistence is to open your home to families who have lost it all. Steven Kemp of the Greenbelt RC is spearheading this effort. He had a wonderful experience with helping 10 dislocated families in the aftermath of Katrina and is stepping forward again, looking for Rotarians to assist him. Please contact him directly at stevekemp77@gmail.comor phone at 301-464-0400.

Of course there are other ways to help. If any of you in our District Rotarian Family would like to step forward and lead another approach, please let me know. We offer these means of support as a Rotary way to provide Service above Self. I have made a contribution - I hope you can find a way to do likewise.

Yours in Rotary Service
DG Bob