
Rotary Club of Annapolis Accepting Applications for Foundation Grants Program

The Rotary Club of Annapolis is pleased to announce that grant applications are being accepted for the club’s Foundation Grants program.  Applications are being accepted on-line from March 1 – April 30, 2024 from local 501c3 charitable organizations.

“Our Rotary Foundation has reached out to many diverse 501c3 organizations and grant funds have positively changed so many peoples’ lives in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County”, said Cynthia Danjczek, Rotary Club of Annapolis Foundation Grants chair.  “The awardees give hope, support and a positive outlook for the people they serve. The Rotary Club of Annapolis is pleased that our Foundation will continue to support local organizations that make our community stronger”.

Applications will be reviewed promptly, and awardees will be announced in late-Spring.  To access the grant application and learn more about the grants program, please visit www.annapolisrotary.org/annapolisrotaryfoundation.

Rotary’s Motto is “Service Above Self”