Service Above Self Evening is a joint yearly club meeting with the Annapolis Rotary Club, Parole Rotary Club and the South County Rotary Club. The event celebrates service in the community by an individual who is not a Rotarian.
Service Above Self
Service Above Self Awards Dinner April 21, 2011
About 250 Rotarians and guests attended the 2011 Service Above Self Awards dinner held April 21 at the Loews Annapolis Hotel, hosted by the South Anne Arundel Rotary Club with the Parole and Annapolis Rotary Clubs. Guests included District 7620 Governor Jay Kumar and the incoming DG Claude Morissette. Maryland Delegate Steven Schuh, District 31, presented citations to each honoree, and Deborah Derrick, of Washington, D.C., representing the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spoke on the joint Polio Plus program to eradicate polio worldwide.
Clubs and honorees were:
South County: Bill Scrivens of Gambrills, for his outstanding volunteer work with Haiti and getting computers into the classrooms and into the hands of teachers there.
Parole: Larry Griffin of Annapolis, for his continued work with We Care and Friends, providing support to drug and alcohol-addicted individuals, the community with his annual toy drive and Thanksgiving dinner, and for other projects.
Annapolis: John “Rusty” Porter of Annapolis, for his work with Habitat for Humanity as president and board member and service with numerous other projects through religious organizations.

Rusty Porter, Allen Jackson and Virginia Porter

John and Betty Weese and Marshall Larner

Three of the Londontowne quintet with Carl Schneider looking on
Tom and Betty Tilghman

Ron Baradel and Bill Regan

Marshall Larner and Mary Felter

Lydia Holman and Christine Spain - The fantastic front desk gals

Ray Langston his wife Jean and Bill Garrett and his wife Sally

Kathie Sulick and Mimi Jones

Ron Baradel and Kathie Sulick

Lee Derrick, president, South County Rotary Club

Jay Kumar, Rotary District Governor

Chara Hutzell, President of the Annapolis Rotary Club

Pres. Chara with Virginia and Rusty Porter

Bill Garrett presenting Rusty his Paul Harris Award

President Chara with Rusty and Virginia Porter

Alan Hay, president, Parole Rotary Club

Alan Hay, Rachel and Larry Griffin

Steve Schuh, State Delegate, District 31

Deb Derrick, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and cousin of Lee Derrick

From left, Lee Derrick, president, South County Rotary Club; Janice and Bill Scrivens (he’s the SAS winner); Virginia and Rusty Porter (SAS) and Chara Hutzell, president, Annapolis Rtoary Club; and Rachel and Larry Griffin (SAS winner) and Alan Hay, president, Parole Rotary.
Alan Cook and John Weese
Virginia and Rusty Porter
Ray Langston and his wife Jean and Ben Michaelson
Rachael Blair with Bill Fine who is with Parole Rotary Club
Ben Pope and Marshall Larner
Jeff & Gayle Neufeld